I know this blog is still very small but I still wanted to post this. If you are interested on write about a teen topic for me, first read what you need below!
- First email me thevoiceofmuchmadness@gmail.com
- In the email should be
- Name
- Age (only 20 and younger)
- What are some topics you wish to write about?
- How much are you willing to write? (have to be 500+ words)
- Note: There is NO fee but that also means you will get no money in return, This is just for fun
- You can put links to your blog, Instagram ect. You did write it, you deserve credit!
- If your topic does not fit my theme on writing then I will say so but you are more then welcome to send a different theme!
- Only up to two writings per person
Now, if you have read all of that then go and shoot me a email or message me on twitter!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoiceMuch