(TRIGGER WARNING!!! Read tittle)
In this post I will be listing some ways to deal with depression/self harm. Before I list the ways, keep in mind I'm not a therapist and not all of the coping mechanisms may work for you. Some of the ways I will be listing were taught to me by a therapist I saw a little while back and some are ways I have found on my own. This is just ways to help get though it, not fix it.
Ways to help with self/harm
(may relieve the urge with no lasting mark)
1. Draw on your skin where you wish to cut.
(Mark or pen)
2. Hold an ice cube in your hand and squeeze and tightly
3. Put a rubber band on your wrist and snap it.
4. Put your hand in ice cold water.
Ways to help with self/harm
(may relieve the urge with no lasting mark)
1. Draw on your skin where you wish to cut.
(Mark or pen)
2. Hold an ice cube in your hand and squeeze and tightly
3. Put a rubber band on your wrist and snap it.
4. Put your hand in ice cold water.
The whole point of this list was ways to relieve the urge but have no lasting effect. If you wish to try and distract yourself from the urge, read the next list.
Ways to help with self-harm
(distract yourself from the urge)
1. Listen to loud music and pay attention to the music/lyrics
2. Take a nice shower
(Or bath)
3. Watch your favorite movie/show
(If you have seen that episode/movie, try to guess what they will say next.)
4. Eat your favorite food
5. Count things
(Numbers, rocks, corners ect.)
(distract yourself from the urge)
1. Listen to loud music and pay attention to the music/lyrics
2. Take a nice shower
(Or bath)
3. Watch your favorite movie/show
(If you have seen that episode/movie, try to guess what they will say next.)
4. Eat your favorite food
5. Count things
(Numbers, rocks, corners ect.)
Now, the point of this list was ways to distract yourself from the urge but not cause me pain.
The next and last list are ways to help get though a bad day. (Depression)
(Ways to get though bad days)
1. Take a nice relaxing shower.
2. Build a folder on your phone of things that make you happy and look though it on bad days.
3. Try and get yourself to drink something cold/hot.
(Something that will bring a shock to your mouth)
4. Write down how you feel then tear it up.
5. Sit with a family member/friend.
(Even if they don't know, siting with someone helps)
1. Take a nice relaxing shower.
2. Build a folder on your phone of things that make you happy and look though it on bad days.
3. Try and get yourself to drink something cold/hot.
(Something that will bring a shock to your mouth)
4. Write down how you feel then tear it up.
5. Sit with a family member/friend.
(Even if they don't know, siting with someone helps)
The point of that list was ways to try and get though the day. Ways to try and find happiness
Its hard, I know; Some days its hard to even do normal things. You can't give up on yourself, you deserve so much more then that. I would say it will get better but I know right now, that sounds like a lie. Also, I would say have a good day but maybe its not a good day? Instead I will say, have a normal day. Get out if bed, eat and drink, take a shower, watch tv. Just, live and I know that maybe that, living seems like the hardest thing imaginable but your strong enough to get though the bad days. You will see the sun again. You will smile again. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow but you will. I believe in you. Have a normal day, I know you can!
If you have something you want me to write about, please commnent down below or email me/message me on twitter!
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