I have a friend, they like to sit on my shoulder and sing to me. They like to laugh and joke and make people laugh. They always are willing to stop everything to help a person in need and do anything to make them better.
My friend loves life and wants nothing more then to talk to people and make they happy.
I have another friend. This one Also sits on my shoulder but shows up when I'm alone. It whispers thought and tells me things no one wants to ever head. It will start yelling and screaming anytime, even if I'm not alone. It makes me cry and want to scream myself with all of the things it tells me.
It never wants to be awake and it does anything to never leave. It takes 'naps' that last 5 hours because it makes the pain stop.
These 'friends' are the two sides of me, depression and the fake side. No matter how hard I try, most of the time I must fake it and live my life. I must cover up the depression and fake it so my family hurts less.
The only problem is, I've faked it so long, the depression might be the real me.