You ask me "Why do you want to give up? You have a unfathomable amount of good things coming your way! You have a good life, you are loved and cared for. You have no reason to give up".
This is true but my demons can come up with an infinity number of reasons why I should.
One thing I wish you would understand is that this does not mean I will give up! I'm still sane enough to choice if I live or die. I am still thankful enough to sleep some nights.
Now, I know others have it worse then me, some can't deal with their demons. I did not choice to feel this way and knowing others have it worse, makes me fell worse.
Until you have been a prisoner in your own mind, until you have listened to your demons yell and scream until you get use to the noise, you have nothing to say.
Live in my hell on earth, then ask "Are you okay?".
This is true but my demons can come up with an infinity number of reasons why I should.
One thing I wish you would understand is that this does not mean I will give up! I'm still sane enough to choice if I live or die. I am still thankful enough to sleep some nights.
Now, I know others have it worse then me, some can't deal with their demons. I did not choice to feel this way and knowing others have it worse, makes me fell worse.
Until you have been a prisoner in your own mind, until you have listened to your demons yell and scream until you get use to the noise, you have nothing to say.
Live in my hell on earth, then ask "
What are some themes or words should I use in my poetry next?